Friday, 19 April 2013

Maintain inventory items

We open the Peachtree accounting software. First we go for maintain and select the inventory items.

The inventory items is open
In the maintain chart of account we can full fill following information are;
Item ID: we can write the id of the inventory.
Description; we can write name of the product.
Item class; the can select the items which can relate with such class. Like (stock item, service, labor, assembly, etc)
Inactive; we have no longer planned to used the inventory. We mark the inactive.
Subject to commission: when item is sold though sale invoice and it included in account receivable.
In general tab;
We fill the price, tax type and last unit cost. After they fill we select the which cost method we used LIFO, FIFO and etc. select the sale account and inventory account and cost of sale after the full fill the all requirement we write the preferred vendor id and buyer id.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Maintain chat of account:

You can open the Peachtree accounting software in maintain we can select the chat of account

The chart of account like this
In the maintain chart of account we write the account ID and description. In the maintain chart of account there is two tab first one is general tab and second one is budges tab.

We can select the accounting period go for beginning balanced. We can select the accounting period.

Select the period and click the ok.

We can but the the value in the account

After the filling the amount we can select the ok and saved the data.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

How to maintain vendor record in Peachtree accounting softwar

First we open the Peach tree accounting software  

We selected the vendor’s

After the selecting the vendor account is open

Vendor id , written vendor name select  general. In general contact name of vendor of the company, account id., address, city zip code and country, vendor type and other information like Telephone, fax no. , email and web site.
When we moved from purchased defaults,

Purchased defaults we fill the purchased rep., Purchased account no. , tax id. , select they deliver from paper form or email.
We open the customer fields

Office manager name and account rep. and special note we can written about vendor’s  
And in the history

In history vendor  since  the join, last date of invoice and amount, last date of payment and amount and all information is full fill we can saved the record about vendor of the company. 

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

How to saved the customer information in Peachtree Accounting

First we open the Peachtree Accounting software click on maintain and select customers / prospects

After the selection of customers / prospects the software open the maintain customers / prospects

We can fill customer id for example 100 and name of the company like abc company. In general tab we can write the first one in contact those person name whose can create the link between the companies. Address of the company of customers, city zip code, and country telephone etc.
After we fill the general and go for next tab sale defaults

In sale defaults sale representative the person name, GL sale account return the account number, open P.O the purchased odder which we can record in comprised system they can record. Price level  they can recorded 1 to 10.
After the full fill the sale defaults we go for payment defaults

in payment defaults we can take credit payment to the customer , first we fill the customer card  holder name  , address , country name , credit card number, expired date,
After the full fill we go for customer fields

In customer field we can write the other information about customer.
 After the filling the information, we go for history

We full customer year, invoice date and amount, last date of payment and amount, last statement date after full fill all requirement we press the save the information can saved in the software.