Saturday, 29 June 2013

How to make General Inventory:

We go for click on task menu and click on general journal inventory,
This is journal account,

·         Write date.
·         Reference number.

·         GL account/ description / Dr./CR.

Global Option

First we open the click the option and in the option menu we click the global, as you show in the picture given below,

The window appear the maintain Global option,
Accounting tab./ general tab/ Peachtree partner/spelling tab,
Accounting Tab:

Accounting Tab:
·         If we want to change the system in automatic e or manual we select in the accounting decimal entry and if the want to change the number of decimal place we have the optiom1 to 5.
·         Hide the general, ledger accounting, if you want to hide the account Receivable (Quotes sales order, invoicing, credit memo and Receipts) click box and if we want to open the Account Payable (Purchased order, Purchases credit, credit memos and payments) click on the box the mark sign is mark. We want to hide the payroll Entry we click the box.
General Tab:

Peachtree partner

Spelling tab,

How to make assembly inventory:

We go on inventory at maintain,

This is inventory account,

·         We write items id.
·         And name of items.
·         We chose item class is assembly.
·         Select sale account / inventory account/ cost of sales account.

After  we saved we fill bill of payment,
·         Write items id. / items descripton ( name) / and quantity we need.

How to make credit memo:

First we go on task and select the credit memos ,
This is credit memo are given below,

  • ·         We select the customer id.
  • ·         Credit number.
  • ·         Write date.
  • ·         Select items, and write quantity and unit price and at the end total amount is calculated.

Sale invoicing:

First we open click the task and click the sale/invoicing,

After  the select the sale/invoicing 
We write in sale invoicing are,
  • ·         Invoice no.
  • ·         Select customer id.
  • ·         Write date.
  • ·         Write items and quantity of goods.

How to make purchased order:

First we go for task and click on purchased orders are given below,

This is purchased order are given below,

We fill the purchased order are,
  • ·         First we select the vendor id , and select the date april 1, 2013.
  • ·         Write purchased order number.
  • ·         And we item select we write quantity we want and unit price of per items and total give automatically. and save saved  the information.

How to make payment to vendor:

First we open the task at the top of peachtree accounting  and click on payments as shown below,

We select the account you can give payment to vendor with in cash or bank,
The payment slip is open are given below,

After the open the payment slip open we want to give payment to over vendor we select the vendor id as given bellow,

We select the vendor id and write good description write quantity of good and unit price of good and automatically total amount is show at the end we saved and check number is must given,
Write check number date click on cash balanced are given below,